A Italia!

A Italia!
The flag in the bottom right is where I am!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Hi Everyone! Just thought I'd share with you about the city of Matera, where I went last week. So basically, it's a very different kind of city. There are two parts, the old historical part (where the Passion of the Christ was filmed) and the more contemporary part. In the historical part basically theres a kind of valley and one the two sides where the earth goes up, there are all kinds of houses built into the side... and a million stairs! There's actually another student from AFS who lives in one of these houses... and he said everyday to go to school he has to climb up 150 stairs, can you imagine? I'll add some photos to the blog so you can see exactly how it was like... nevertheless, it was beautiful! Also, at the top there was a cathedral, where you could see all around... incredible!

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