A Italia!

A Italia!
The flag in the bottom right is where I am!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sick Last Week.

So, the swine flu (possibly, we are not sure) has been going around Southern Italy... and last week, I caught it! I woke up Wednesday morning with a terrible sore throat and when I got home from school I realized I had a fever. Some things about being sick in Italy: 1) when they measure your temperature, they put the thermometer under your armpit! 2) The temperature was in celcius! So they were like "oooo!! 37.6 :O :O" and I'm like "What does that mean?!" Turns out that's about 100 degrees. 3) I got one day to be sick, one day to be half sick, and one day to be healthy :)
I'm all better now, but the sore throat is still present a small bit. They gave me some medicine for it, it was minty!
As for Italian life, things are becoming much more normal around here. Saturdays we usually go to eat some pizza, watch a movie or other things like that (last saturday we went bowling). At this point, everything is becoming very familiar to me as I adjust.
PS I added some photos of us with the swine flu masks on :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...still present a small bit..."
Hahaha. Emily, you're English is crashing and burning as your Italian progresses :P